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My Secret Garden Studio

seeds of love from heaven above

About the Artist



God gifted me with the artistic talent to draw in detail anything and I have always had a fascination with paper & pencils. Most of my childhood was spent outdoors where I found my joy discovering the beauty of nature and the exquistite detail of everything from a blade of grass to a magnificent sunset. I went to college for Interior Design and did pursue it twice in my life, but after moving to Colorado in 2006, my longing for a relationship closer with God and nature drew me back to my creativity as an artist and creator. I also had a mural/faux finishing business while in Arizona, but that proved to be more of a hassle than artisitically enjoyable!


While in Colorado, my husband and I bought a local shipping business that also offered mailboxes for local customers. We kept receiving old botanical order magazines from a mailbox holder that no longer was with us and in the trash they usually went. But one day I recall stopping for a moment as a brilliant orange & pink daisy displayed on the front page of one, caught my attention and I found myself flipping through the magazine pages drawn to the incredible detail of all the beautifully showcased flowers. A deep desire began to spring up in me to draw flowers. That year I began spending hours at my desk with paper and colored pencils creating design after design. I felt compelled to print my designs on note cards and note pads to share and sell. Divinely Inspired Art became my small business venture and my artistic journey with God as my Co-Creator blossomed.


Fast forward:

We left Colorado after 13 years in 2019 and moved to Tennessee. My little art business had been sidelined around 2012 when my interior design/staging work took over and did not leave much time to pursue art anymore. After we relocated, I was so burnt out from my design business I needed a break and the desire to tap back into my artistic talent re-emerged and I began painting again. I felt God rekindling my lost dream of creating an inspiring business through my artisitc gifts and writing.


In July 2020 God breathed new life into me after great adversity and My Secret Garden Studio was born. I found myself writing again and wanting to blog, create, and encourage others. The road has been challenging since then, but I discovered when I place my focus daily on the Lord and ask myself often, what is “My Why”, I stay on track. One of my favorite scriptures that has helped me on days when I want to throw in the towel and quit is, Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”  


I have come to learn that beginning each day seeking His wisdom and guidance, I have great success and live from a centered place filled with joy. If the joy disappears, I know I am trying too hard and not allowing Him to be my source of strength and direction. I have gained a new perspective in trusting the process and trusting God’s timing along the way. Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men that they me see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." has become my business motto and mindset. I am using my giftings from the good Lord to inspire, encourage, and shine the light on His glory into this world and to spread joy through my creativity! Never give up on your dreams!


Be blessed and be a blessing!
