Inspiring writings from the heart. How God speaks to me and reveals His great love through nature, daily encounters, and what I call "God Winks". :)
~ Psalm 37:4 ~
As the year of 2023 was coming to a close, I recall a day where I was in my quiet time with the Lord and I had come across a blog message in one of my Bible apps that resonated in my spirit and encouraged me to realign my focus. The writer had referenced finding our calling and assignments for the kingdom of God and going after what He created us for. This has always been my deeply-seated passion and longing, yet I have felt so many times that I have missed the mark. All too often when we read or hear a message regarding our calling, we at first get excited then tend to end up sidelined in one way or another. Often fear on moving forward can paralyze our progress and of course, the enemy not wanting us to succeed in our Godly endeavors trips us up more often than not. This discouragement blocks our kingdom destiny and keeps us trapped in an earthly existence with unrealized potential.
In this message today I want to encourage you that if you can relate to this and feel that you have allowed your calling or assignments from God to slip by, God can always redeem something meant for you that you may have let fall away in your past. The key to unlocking His leading for you is found through surrender, obedience, consistency, and a little patience.
Daily distractions are probably the biggest threat to our calling. I know this from way too much personal experience. As a "creative", my mind can often be flooded with so much that I end up doing nothing and then feel defeated and overwhelmed by all that is stewing in my mind. But, what is now shifting for me personally is discovering that I have control over my response to the mind chatter. I can break a repetitive cycle that the enemy loves to use againt me to keep me tripped up and powerless. It just takes a greater awareness of what is happening in me, and then using scripture, prayer and praise to help destroy the "old ways" that trapped me in an unfruitful cycle.
I recently had come to that painful place of feeling as though I had so many unfinished projects or assignments that I failed to ever bring to fruition. And they were the ones that I believe were appointed by God, but I allowed everything to get in the way. I gave up and continued on, defeated and of course, feeling unworthy of ever accomplishing the things I felt were meant for me to accomplish for the kingdom of God. And if you can relate, often the enemy puts in our heads, this programming that we aren't good enough to carry out God's work or that we aren't equipped enough, smart enough, or holy enough to do so. I am here to tell you this is a lie from the enemy!
You were called and created to blaze a trail for God's kingdom and God is waiting for you to claim it. How do we get ourselves back on course with our destiny? By getting quiet and pressing in. This does require sacrifice, but the kind that produces such heavenly fruit if we can just learn to exercise a greater level of patience and surrender. What has helped me recently break the bondage of allowing distractions to trip me up is, I have started to intentionally ask daily for the Holy Spirit's leading to help guide and direct my actions. And if I get pulled away from what God is leading me in, I am learning to re-adjust my focus and give myself a little grace. Small, consistent steps are far more successful than expecting to take giant leaps. I gain more ground in doing the little things daily that help create new habits that lead to success. I also document my progress. I started a separate journal dedicated to "Kingdom Assignments" and I write in it daily to track my behavior and progress. I document the wins and the defeats and have found that I am less critical of myself. It is helping me see how I react to the challenges (because they will come!) and I am gaining ground in overcoming them and discovering a greater level of relationship with the Holy Spirit that is producing the potential God sees in me. So, even on a day when things aren't turning out the way I anticipate, my understanding of the purpose of what I am to learn in the challenge is becoming more evident, and I am less emotionally critical. I am seeing growth from a higher viewpoint, not so anchored in the flesh, a place where satan loves to keep us tethered and a place where we often quit.
Don't give up or throw in the towel. Ask for the Holy Spirit to assist you in seeking more time alone with God. Press in seeking a deeper relationship with the Lord. Begin to become more intentional with a heart focused on worship and praise. I write in my personal journal almost every morning by starting out with thanking God for "today" and then list a few things I am grateful for. Operating from this place shifts our attitude toward our day, our life and our purpose. Begin to take small steps forward. Write out affirmations that will help keep you focused on serving the Lord with a grateful heart. Seek key scriptures to memorize that will aid your progress and "own" them. God's word is truth, believe it! Begin to see His hand on your life drawing you back toward your gifting and your purpose of fulfilling why He created you.
We all can carry the light of Christ and shine it for His glory. We all know this world could use a little more light, love, and inspiration. I encourage you today to start a fresh new approach forward and become who God created you to be. Ask for the assignments He is calling you to and begin to blaze a trail that was meant for "you" to blaze. In doing so, the kingdom of God will be evident here on earth and a ripple effect will bring His glorious love into the darkened places of this world.
Be blessed and be a blessing!
Diane :)