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My Secret Garden Studio

seeds of love from heaven above

~ Blog ~

Inspiring writings from the heart. How God speaks to me and reveals His great love through nature, daily encounters, and what I call "God Winks". :)


Obedient Heart


Colossians 3:23

~ "Whatever you do, work at it with ALL your heart, as though you were working for the LORD and not for men."


It has been a while since I posted a blog. It was not my intention to go this long. The Lord has poured so much into me and my challenge in growing my kingdom business has created a need for me to acquire better managment skills. What I have come to learn in this journey is that trusting God's leading brings me better results than "my way" every single time. As a recovering Type A who tends to take over at the helm and strive too hard, I often end up with stress, wasted time, and frustration. My joy vanishes and I am left wondering what went wrong. But the most beautiful part is when God tenderly guides me back every single time I tend to go off on my own and I humbly surrender to Him with relief, might I add, that He knows what is best.


Psalm 119: 105
~ "Your word is a lamp to my feet, a light on my path." ~


I am sitting here this morning during my "quiet time" with the Lord, and I just read a blog post on my Bible app. It struck a chord with me and brought me to tears. Because of this I am now here writing a blog instead of rushing off to get ready for my morning workout, then breakfast, then a chore, etc. before I sit back down at my desk to work. God is teaching me what it means to really follow His leading and sometimes that means my schedule goes out the window and I obediently allow Him to guide my next step. Years ago, I remember the Holy Spirit telling me this and I was actually relieved before really knowing what it fully meant; When we moved to Nashville and I had left my life as I knew it, stressed and burnt out to the max, I received a little nudging that I was going to learn how to be led by God through the Holy Spirit's leading. That meant giving up my controlling Type A personality. It has been quite the humbling road, but I am grateful for the immense love God has for little ol' "piece of work" me. He can use anyone for His work at any time in their life in any way and the results when we are obedient will produce good fruit.


My encouragement for today is this; When we allow our heart to operate from a kingdom mindset we can make an incredible impact on another life. Often, we as believers can get easily get caught in the trap thinking that discipleship is this grandiose thing to tackle, and we are not equipped adequately. God just wants our heart. He wishes for us to live in a place of surrender where He can do grand things.


I am reminded by God's word that taking small steps daily will lead me in the direction I want to go with my business and ministry goals. When I use this mindset toward discipleship the results are going to make an impact. I don't have to try and save the whole world. If I go about my day asking for the Holy Spirit to help me operate from a servant's heart I will have encounters with others and a kind word or gesture can impact a person's life in a way I may not realize until heaven, but God can use our kingdom focused hearts to shift or change the trajectory of another soul's path. Seed planting is my assignment!


There is much I want to carry out for God and my dreams and goals are great to have, but the greatest reward comes when my heart is functioning from an outwardly focus, wanting to please God, share His love, and touch lives. He has blessed me beyond measure, and I just want others to find the gold mine He has given me. We all can access it and find heavenly treasures through a close relationship with our heavenly Father. I pray this message the good Lord produced through me reaches your heart and moves you in a way that will guide you to Him, and you can be a kingdom vessel that carries His precious love and may you use it to touch a single life today. The ripple affect will bring glory to God in heaven and heaven will be brought down here on earth. One single act of kindness toward one soul creates a significant impact for God. One step at a time, embrace endurance instead of overwhelm.




Be blessed and be a blessing,

With much love, Diane