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My Secret Garden Studio

seeds of love from heaven above

~ Blog ~

Inspiring writings from the heart. How God speaks to me and reveals His great love through nature, daily encounters, and what I call "God Winks". :)


The Creator's Canvas

~ Ecclesiastes 3:11 ~
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."  




The weather here in Utah is finally beginning to show signs of Spring, one of my favorite times of the year. As I was walking through a nearby park yesterday this gorgeous tree in full bloom caught my eye and I had to stop and gaze upon the detail. Every year God's perfect creation is displayed in every single earthly plant and I am always amazed at the beauty I am so fortunate to take in.


Today on SM I created one of my posts with a Bible verse that clearly speaks of the glory God manifests through nature and timing, Ecclesiastes 3:11. Since childhood I have always been one who is easily prompted to "stop and smell the roses" because I connect to my Creator so deeply through nature. This is one way I praise Him for the treasures found in each day when we take the time to slow down and look. He reveals His splendid artistry in the very tiniest of details and as an artist myself, I am able to appreciate how the Lord can turn a blank canvas into a colorful masterpiece!


I share this today as encouragement for those feeling drained from the everyday mundane tasks life can weigh us down with. It can be quite easy to allow the demands of life to pull us away from so many miracles happening all around us. Each year a tree that appears so lifeless begins to bud with tiny signs of animation and within a short time becomes this vibrant display of God's beauty. And when we do pause to take notice of His work, we discover a calmness and peace that brings pure joy. It is a joy that can only be found by the gifts of our Creator.


As I walked on after taking my photographs, I felt a sense of rejuvination. This short time spent in reverence of God's hand in nature gave me a supernatural boost in my step and a bright smile on my face. It reminded me of how important gratefulness is essential each and every day to help keep us grounded in the simple things and in all God has blessed us with when we stop to actually take notice. 


Our attitude can shift from a walk outdoors as we put the demands of our lives on hold and put God first and the things He desires for us to see and take pleasure in. I encourage you to take time to go outdoors and to "be present". Take notice of what the good Lord has for you. Ask for eyes to see what He intends for you to be blessed by. Allow your senses to take in the signs and wonders of this beautiful earth He truly gifted us with. 


Above all, praise Him for providing such breathtaking beauty in this season of new life and beginnings. Ask Him to show you how to discover a newness in your outlook toward life and soak in His glorious presence as He reveals to you new eyes that open up a world of wonder and freshness for each day ahead. There is SO much blessing released in a transformed frame of mind when we seek Him first and always with worship and praise.


Stop and smell a rose, peer at a colorful sunset, step outside and listen... so much to discover when we take the time to just "be"


May your day be filled with signs of His awesomeness and may you shine your light to glorify your Creator for all He gives!


Be blessed & be a blessing!

Diane :)